Saturday, November 3, 2012

Alyxe Perry -- Belgium (Home Club: So. Rensselaer)

30 October 2012
Host Rotary Club: Le Roeulx
Sponsor Rotary Club: Southern Rensselaer County
Current Host Family: Luc VerHellen
Counselor Name: Philippe D.

I am doing great and my health is okay as well, I have been sick for a couple weeks now, but it's just a really long cold. That hasn't stopped me from doing anything. I love my host family, they are awesome and very supportive of me. Our relationship is very good and I can talk to them about anything.

I am attending school and class on a regular basis, there are no activities school provides outside of class. That's something I really miss from the U.S. I do feel accepted by the students and I have a lot of awesome friends.

I have attended one club rotary meeting, one district meeting, and 2 meetings of all the exchange students in Belgium. I haven't had a specific meeting with my rotary counselor and have not been a guest of any other rotary members. My relationships with my host club and counselor are excellent! I am really enjoying everything that is going on.

I just came back from a rotary trip to Paris and On Nov. first I am heading to London!!!
Thanks, hope all is well!

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