Monday, November 12, 2012

Kirsten Beth Lomnitzer -- Brazil (Home club: North Creek)

November 11, 2012
Sponsoring Club: North Creek Rotary Club District 7190
Host Club: Sao Luis, Sao Fransisco Rotary Club District 4490

I am loving my exchange year! I just got back from Rotary Orientation where I met so many other students! We went to the beach and just hung out and got to know each other. It was very fun. I will be going on the a tour for most of December and most of the district will be going as well. I really am looking forward to it! I have been working hard in school and am able to understand the teachers when they don't speak really fast, then I get lost and only pick up every other word or so. I am so thankful that I am having this experience!

Kirsten Beth Lomnitzer

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