Sunday, October 21, 2012

Nicholas Theiss (from Germany) -- Northern Lake George

October 8, 2012

Host Rotary Club _Northern Lake George  

Sponsor Rotary Club _Aalen-Heidenheim (Germany) 

Current Host Family _Costello
Counselor Name Ted Caldwell; Asst. Chair: Walter Thorne

Give a brief description of the current status of your own health and life with your host family, including information that answers the following:
·        How are you doing?  How is your health?
·        Are you comfortable in your current host home?
·        How is your relationship with your host family?
Excellent __X__

Describe your experience at the school you attend, covering the following:
·        Are you attending school and going to class on a regular basis? Good
·        Do you participate in any activities in school outside of class? Yes
·        Do you feel accepted by the students in school? Yes

·        Have you attended any Rotary meetings or functions? Yes
·        When did you last meet with your Rotary counselor, and where? 10/03
·        How would you describe your relationship with:
Host Club? Excellent _X___   Good____   Just OK____    Poor____
Counselor? Excellent __X__   Good____   Just OK____    Poor____


 I’m on the High School Football team. I go to the movies with my host family, and have gone to the Great Escape Amusement Park. Went to the OctoberFest with Assistant Counselor Walter Thorne, his Wife, Host Brother Anthony and new friend Cody Shaner.


I have no concerns at this time, everything is wonderful so far.

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