Sunday, October 14, 2012

Caleb Allison -- Venezuala (Home Club: Salem)

October 11, 2012
Host District: 4380

Current Host Family: The Fredianis
Counselor: Efraim Lopez Navarro 

I'm doing fine.  My health is good.  I am comfortable in my current home and my relationship with my host family is excellent.

I am attending school on a regular basis.  There aren't any extra curricular activities sponsored by the school.  I feel accepted by the students, even though I definitely occupy a unique "foreign kid" niche.

I have attended two regular rotary meetings as well as a meeting for exchange student candidates from Venezuela.  I last met with my counselor about a week ago in a diner.
I've been the guest of the host parents of the other exchange students. My relationship with my host club is excellent.
I am taking classes in karate and occasionally tag along in practice with the local swim team.  I went to a wedding of relative of my host family in Caracas three weeks ago.  The election just happened and Chavez was re-elected, but before that he and his rival Henrique Caprilles were in a closely contested race.  Both waged aggressive and at times dirty campaigns.  I observed rallies by both candidates and saw each in the flesh.

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