Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Keith Roscoe -- in France (Home Club: Cobleskill)

October 16, 2012
Bonjour tout le monde!!

    Wow, do I have a lot to share.  I will start with most recent and work my way back.

This weekend I went to Mont St. Michel with Rotary. It was an interdistrict event, so there was about 200 students there! We were about 28 countries represented. A brief summary of the weekend: we traversed  (or at least half traversed) the bay by foot, returned and saw the traditional dance of the region (okay so really we were supposed to watch it but we were talking), then it was essentially a dance club with music and lights till the early morning (sanctioned by Rotary, don't worry), and then the next day I actually explored Mont St. Michel.  It is so beautiful. Unfortunately, I didn't have a large amount of time to explore.  However, I very much enjoyed it. The weekend started a little bizarre because our district came in two groups, one which was significantly later than the other.  Fortunately, I was on time.  My favorite part of the weekend was meeting everyone! Regardless whether it was the first time, or just seeing them again.  Everyone in rotary is a family, regardless.  This weekend and my other weekend also gave me a few ideas to share with the district back home.

I had the opportunity to travel to Concarneau, the town where my oldest host brother goes to college, and see the old "Ville Close" closed village. It is a historic town with ramparts and everything.  There is potential that I had "administrative things to do for my visa in Nantes" that Monday, if you catch my drift...

My Rotary Club had one big event I went to. Essentially it was a big fundraiser for this very old abbey, like we are talking 14th century old.  The theme was a garden party, sort of.  So, there were lots of venders of all sort of plants, etc.  It was fairly successful as it was the first event of its kind.

School is going well.  Honestly, I am making an effort to do the work...when I want to. That being said, I am motivated by the fact that I know it is all extremely good practice especially if I ever want to pursue a career in language or take the DELF/DALF.  This is something to share with all the other students.  Each government has its own special test that can certify a foreigner's capacity of the langauge.  I plan on taking a very high level of this test in May.  That being said, I need a fair amount practice.  The test I want to take is called the Diplome Approfondis de la Langue Francais.  Essentially, a test that says I am fluent and capable to form a solid argument in French.

Everything with the family is going well...Oh, I almost forgot! The family helped me throw my birthday party because it was my 18th birthday!! And, I just filled out my absentee ballot to vote (most uninformed political decision ever). Anyway, the party was very very nice, and I couldn't be happier.

Interesting fact, I have decided to learn portuguese.  I like it very much. 


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