Monday, January 18, 2016

Sutthikan Sakulrungsap (Prom) -- Thailand (Host Club: Corinth)

Rotary Exchanges Monthly Report
Name: Sutthikan Sakulrungsap (Prom)  Date: December/10/2015
Host Rotary Club: Corinth Rotary Club
Sponsor Rotary Club: Rotary Club of Suphanburi
Current Host Family: Gregglory Jenkins/ Meredith Jenkins
Counselor Name: Alysse Kasowski

Health and Home
              Now, I’m doing fine. I’m very healthy this day. I spent more time with my host family than last month. We watch movies together on christmas and new year's. I start my first basketball game. it was fun and my friends are very energetic and cheerful.  

             And about the school, I attend class properly. I study well and my grade is better. I have more friend since I join the basketball team, then hang out a lot. They came to my house and spent time watching football and play games together.
         I usually attend my rotary meeting. It was very interesting subject when we talk like the activities I have to attend or what experience that I like.

      I and my family went to Buffalo for college visit and interview by my host brother. After that they bring me to Niagara Falls. It was very beautiful. but most of it, it in renovation. So, i can't see all of it but it the most fantastic moment in my life

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