Saturday, November 7, 2009

Eliza Chappell -- Spain

November 7, 2009

Simon Marcos
7-4 C/ Andalucía
28007 Madrid

HOST CLUB: RC Madrid- Serano

I attended a Rotary sponsored trip to Pico de Peñalara, a mountain in the Sierras. There were about 30 other exchange students, mostly from the Madrid area, and we hiked to the top.

I have been attending IES Isabel La Católica daily and completing all assignments.

I can now say that I feel as though I fully fit in here. Everything is going wonderfully, and I'm loving life. I can just about understand everything, though speaking correctly is still a challenge. I can't believe that it's already november 7; time is going by far too quickly now that I've got a steady routine (weekdays- school, studying, family time; weekends- out with spanish friends, relaxing, more studying, etc...). All is well here and I absolutely love Madrid.

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