Monday, January 28, 2008

Zoe Fullem -- in Ecuador (from Albany)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Hi Everyone, Feliz Año Nuevo!!
I think I'm one of the less diligent writers, but I've been busy? I swear?
Well I've had a great first half of my exchange year, my family has been great. They are exactly what I could have wanted, like a real family to me. My little sister sleeps in my bed with me every night, my mom is always bringing me to the doctor and taking care of me (I'm always getting sick from the food and water), and my dad tells me "Siempre estas nuestra hijita"/ "You'll always be our little daughter."
I'm changing to my second host family this week, and I'm really excited. They just had a new house built, and we're going to have a pool? I will miss my first family a lot, but I'll be living right next door, so I'm sure I will see them a lot.
I just finished Quinto curso and now I'm on summer vacation, it's great! I spend a lot of time with my family and my exchange friends (maybe too much, I keep promising myself to get closer with my Ecuadorian friends, but it's hard.) I have big plans for my vacation, next week I'm going for a few days to one of the biggest cities, Guayaquil. Then I'm going to Cuenca, the most beautiful and historic city in Ecuador for a few weeks to live with another Rotary family. I'm also hoping to climb Cotapaxi, the highest active volcano in the world! And, most exciting of all, I'm going on a Rotary Paseo for four days to the Amazon rain forest. Ecuador has great exchange student trips; I think they're one of my favorite parts of this year.
I'm having a great time, and it really is going by fast?I just booked my return flight with the travel agent.
I hope everyone is doing great.

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