Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Marni Libby --Slovakia

November 10th, 2014
Hosted by: Rotary Club Bratislava Danube
Sponsored by: Delmar Rotary Club
Current Host Family: Eva Budzakova and Lubo Budzak
Counselor Name: Martin Paulik

My life at my host family has not changed since my last report. I am still happy and healthy here, and absolutely content with my current host family. We are going to be changing host families in about two weeks' time, and I'm a bit nervous for that, but I've met my next host mom and she is really nice, so I think everything will be fine. School is much the same, I participate completely in math and PE and informatika (some sort of computer/tech class), and in other classes I listen but don't really participate because I can't understand. My literature teacher wants me to write a paper next Friday though, so that should be interesting. I haven't been to any major Rotary functions since I wrote my last report. I've been going to meetings every Monday, and on December 15th I am scheduled to give a presentation about the USA. My counselor, Martin, also goes to these meetings, so he always asks me if there's anything I need to talk about, I am never doubtful that he is here to help. 

Last weekend I went to a concert in Bratislava for one of my favorite singers. I was struck by how excited all the other attendees were. They are people on a completely different continent from the one I grew up on, and yet we were all gathered to hear amazing music that we ALL loved. It's cool how people from such different backgrounds can all be similar in the end. We're all just people. Next weekend my future host family will take me and a fellow exchange student (Gustavo from Brazil) to Prague. I am looking forward to it a lot, I've heard that Prague is a beautiful city. 

I don't have any concerns at the moment, this year has been amazing so far, and I am hoping that it will continue to be that way.

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