Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ariel Dunster -- Brazil

February 25, 2010

Rotary District 4420, Santos- Boqueirão

In the past month I´ve finished up summer vacation and started the 3rd year (senior year) of school here. I´ve been in good health. From the 14th-18th of January I went to Porto Alegre and visited my host brother. It was interesting to see a southern city of Brazil. Everything was different; the way people dressed, spoke, and the traditions that they had. For example, everyone knew that I was from the coast because I was wearing shorts. For me, shorts is an article of summer clothing, but for them, it is beachwear.

The hardest part about summer was that a lot of my friends moved out of Santos. Several went to a University in a different city, and others went to different countries either starting or ending their exchange trip.

On February 2nd, I started school as well as switching homes. It was sad to leave my 2nd home because they were an excellent family, but fortunately my 3rd family is just as perfect.
I´m beginning to run regularly again, but I´m taking extra precautions to not hurt my ankle again. Carnaval is also this week. For Brazil that means that there´s alway axé music and dancing on the beach, as well as samba bands on the streets.

Lastly, I´ve received my return date. It is Friday July 16th, 2010.

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