Sunday, January 3, 2010

Ariel Dunster -- Brasil

December 11, 2009

The past month went really well. My new family is perfect for me. I´ve been able to go out with my host sister sometimes as well as keep my own friend group. I turned 18 this month, and my host family made it a very special day for me. They even let me have my own birthday party upstairs in the party room.

I had tendonitus in my ankle this month, but it is getting better now. I had to take some time off of it, but I am beginning to return to the gym again and this Monday I will begin a program called "Face2Face," in which I will have a personal trainer for 40days, to help make sure that I do not overwork my ankle.

Many of the exchange students, including me, became homesick as the school year was wrapping up, but it was good because we were homesick together. We now are planning several activites to keep us distracted and create a greater bond between us. We´ve seen movies, had a sushi/ice cream night, and gone to the beach and the gym together. We also had a new exchange student from Australia enter our district for the short term program last week. Since we always have something to distract ourselves with, I don´t think anyone was homesick for more than a week.

One of the things that I love to do here is go to the Rotary meetings. Over the past month the governor has visited my Rotary club twice. I´ve also participated in the secret santa for my Rotary club and I have visited the Rotary Club of Santos a couple of times. The first time I visited this club, I actually met the man from ESSEX who placed me in Santos! He was there visiting our district.

School has ended for this year and it is now summer break. I´m spending a lot more time at the beach and the mall now. Everything here is going well and I´m excited for the holiday season to begin.

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