Sunday, October 11, 2009

Gil Strizich -- Argentina

October 11, 2009

Family Atencio
Pasaje Fatima s/n,
Yala, Jujuy

Host Club: Rotary Club of San Salvador de Jujuy, 4800

Over the last month I have attended one Rotary meeting. I also had the oppurtunity to meet all the Rotary exchange students in Northwest Argentina, when they traveled here for the festival of the students . We had two exchange students, one from Belgium and another from Seattle, stay in my house for three days. In addition to that, this past Thursday there was a meeting of Rotary members and exchange students to discuss a possible Rotary trip to Patagonia in November.

I have continued to do Jui-Jitsu two times a week, and go to the gym three times a week. In addition to that I take Spanish classes on Wednesday and Thursday nights, with all the other Rotary exchange students here in San Salvador. I have also started school back up again after the week long break for the festival of the students.

I am in good health.

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