Sunday, October 11, 2009

Eliza Chappell -- Spain

October 8, 2009

Simon Marcos7-4 C/ Andalucía28007 Madrid

HOST CLUB: RC Madrid- Serano

PARTICIPATION IN ROTARY FUNCTIONS: I attended a Rotary meeting/meal with the other exchange students and met my counselor. I also attended the Rotary Exchange Orientation weekend with the other exchange students.

PARTICIPATION IN SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: I have been attending IES Isabel La Católica daily and completing all assignments.

My first month in Spain has been wonderful. My host family is perfect and they are trying to make me feel as at home as possible. School is nice, although it is still difficult to understand everyone. I'm beginning to get into a routine here and have friends, and it's starting to feel like my home. My spanish is coming along little by little, and I'm trying hard to reach fluency as quickly as possible. I honestly am not feeling homesick for the most part, although I'm a little bit sad to miss the Upstate New York fall colors. I'm not sure what else to say, but I assure all is well with me.

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