Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Kirsten Beth Lomnitzer -- Brazil (Home club: North Creek)

May 13, 2013
Sponsoring Club: North Creek Rotary Club District 7190
Host Club: Sao Luis, Sao Fransisco Rotary Club District 4490

Ola! This is my second to last report before I return to the United States. The date is set, I will be leaving Brazil on the eighth of July and arriving on the ninth. I will be very sad to leave but it will be good to go home.

So, a lot has happened in this month. One of the biggest things that has happened is that my family has come down to visit me here. They will be here until the twentieth of May, and we just spent the weekend in Rio de Janeiro, visiting the Cristo, Sugarloaf mountain and spent Dia das Maes (Mother's Day) on Copacabana Beach. We had a very good time. Today is my birthday and we just arrived in my host city of Sao Luis earlier today. We are staying with David. Later today we will be going out to celebrate. I can't wait!

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