April 4, 2008
Happy April Everyone!
It´s almost my 8 month anniversary here. Only 2 and a half months left, which is really scary and sad because I feel like I want more time here. I dont know, maybe I will be ready to come home by then, but I know I will miss it so much. I will try to fill you all in on the stuff Ive been doing for the past month or so....it has been an interesting one.
I guess you could look at March as the worst month on my exchange so far because all of the bad stuff kind of happened at once. I got sick for the first time here, and I was robbed. But honestly, I am having the best time ever inspite of the past couple of weeks. First of all, my easter was great. I travelled to a town called Concepcion with my family and my sister´s friends and their families. We all got to hang out and it was very relaxing. But on the way back I must have eaten something bad because it turns out I wassick all week. But now Im better and everything is fine. I lost 2 kilos which was a plus, but it could have been because I was living off of soup and crackers.
Last Sunday I was invited to a churrasco with my friends from my salsa class. I dont think I have had that much fun in a really long time. It was so great. I am usually always having fun here, but there are times when I am in a group of Bolivians where its not as easy to be myself or to find conversation, so it can be a little more awkward, but this past weekend wasnt like that at all. We went to a camp of one of my friends, there was a pool and a volleyball court and a futbol field, and ostriches walking around freely. We layed in hammocks and swam, and ate. It was so fun. We stayed the whole day there, joking around. We might have danced a little too, afterall I was with my salsa classmates. Well then I got a call that someone broke into our house that day around lunchtime, when (luckily) my family was out to eat. It could have been bad if they were home. My ipod and camera were stolen out of my room, but nothing else, so I am lucky. But unfortunately other things were stolen from the house, like jewelry and other valubles of my parents. Everything is fine now though, and I honestly wasnt too upset because I had such a great day with all of my friends. I live on a very safe street with a guard and I still feel safe, it just stinks that sometimes stuff like this happens here.
On Wednesday there was a huge march for Autonomia here in Santa Cruz. I went with my classmates from the University. I wore my tshirt to represent Santa Cruz, and carried a flag that translates to pretty much, support autonomy! I wasnt sure how I would feel being a part of this because I am not cruceño, but I talked with my compañeros a little and got their opinions. They all said that, I am living here and even though it doesntaffect me much, it is nice to have the support. It was one of the coolest things Ive done. We marched over 3 miles, about one million people, all with their green and white flags(from Santa Cruz) to support this.
The next day at school we had a festival of traditions. I had to use a dress called a tipoy(Im not sure how to spell it), but its traditional for Santa Cruz. I helped bring food and brought special hot chocolate. There were 4 tv stations there, and I didnt have a choice and was pulled into a traditional dance that happened to be on tv. Me in my little cambita dress. I think the whole university was staring at me, but it was really cool to be a part of it. The girls in my class did a braid in my hair for me too.
Today I took my final exam and I think I did alright. Although I realize now that my teacher thinks Im german. The other day he asked where my family was from, and I was like, well my name isfrom Germany. And so he thought that meant that my dad was German. I didnt feel like taking a bunch of time to describe how many years ago the descendents of my dad came from there, but hes in no way German. Today when I handed him my test he says ¨danke schun¨ so I said yourwelcome in german. It was pretty funny. I guess he hasnt noticed all of the kids trying to speak English with me. ¨I am speaking English¨ they all say. Or in the case of the guys, ¨hello baby¨.
This afternoon Im going to a party with my classmates to celebrate finishing off the month. Monday starts a new material. Im taking Bolivian social orginization. Then later I am going cosmic bowling with the people from my salsa class. And Sunday there is a classico (the biggest futbol game in Santa Cruz, because its against both of the two SC teams, Oriente and Blooming). I havent gone yet, so it should be really fun.
The only otherinteresting news I have is that the other day on the news a baby was born with one eye here in Bolivia. It was a very strange site to see.
I hope everyone is doing great and hopefully warming up a bit. Its just starting to get cold here. I think it was 75 today! I got on the bus to go to school and I almost thought I was in La Paz(cold city in Bolivia) because everyone was wearing their coats and sweaters. It was like 70 degrees.
I love you all and miss you tons!!!!!!
It´s almost my 8 month anniversary here. Only 2 and a half months left, which is really scary and sad because I feel like I want more time here. I dont know, maybe I will be ready to come home by then, but I know I will miss it so much. I will try to fill you all in on the stuff Ive been doing for the past month or so....it has been an interesting one.
I guess you could look at March as the worst month on my exchange so far because all of the bad stuff kind of happened at once. I got sick for the first time here, and I was robbed. But honestly, I am having the best time ever inspite of the past couple of weeks. First of all, my easter was great. I travelled to a town called Concepcion with my family and my sister´s friends and their families. We all got to hang out and it was very relaxing. But on the way back I must have eaten something bad because it turns out I wassick all week. But now Im better and everything is fine. I lost 2 kilos which was a plus, but it could have been because I was living off of soup and crackers.
Last Sunday I was invited to a churrasco with my friends from my salsa class. I dont think I have had that much fun in a really long time. It was so great. I am usually always having fun here, but there are times when I am in a group of Bolivians where its not as easy to be myself or to find conversation, so it can be a little more awkward, but this past weekend wasnt like that at all. We went to a camp of one of my friends, there was a pool and a volleyball court and a futbol field, and ostriches walking around freely. We layed in hammocks and swam, and ate. It was so fun. We stayed the whole day there, joking around. We might have danced a little too, afterall I was with my salsa classmates. Well then I got a call that someone broke into our house that day around lunchtime, when (luckily) my family was out to eat. It could have been bad if they were home. My ipod and camera were stolen out of my room, but nothing else, so I am lucky. But unfortunately other things were stolen from the house, like jewelry and other valubles of my parents. Everything is fine now though, and I honestly wasnt too upset because I had such a great day with all of my friends. I live on a very safe street with a guard and I still feel safe, it just stinks that sometimes stuff like this happens here.
On Wednesday there was a huge march for Autonomia here in Santa Cruz. I went with my classmates from the University. I wore my tshirt to represent Santa Cruz, and carried a flag that translates to pretty much, support autonomy! I wasnt sure how I would feel being a part of this because I am not cruceño, but I talked with my compañeros a little and got their opinions. They all said that, I am living here and even though it doesntaffect me much, it is nice to have the support. It was one of the coolest things Ive done. We marched over 3 miles, about one million people, all with their green and white flags(from Santa Cruz) to support this.
The next day at school we had a festival of traditions. I had to use a dress called a tipoy(Im not sure how to spell it), but its traditional for Santa Cruz. I helped bring food and brought special hot chocolate. There were 4 tv stations there, and I didnt have a choice and was pulled into a traditional dance that happened to be on tv. Me in my little cambita dress. I think the whole university was staring at me, but it was really cool to be a part of it. The girls in my class did a braid in my hair for me too.
Today I took my final exam and I think I did alright. Although I realize now that my teacher thinks Im german. The other day he asked where my family was from, and I was like, well my name isfrom Germany. And so he thought that meant that my dad was German. I didnt feel like taking a bunch of time to describe how many years ago the descendents of my dad came from there, but hes in no way German. Today when I handed him my test he says ¨danke schun¨ so I said yourwelcome in german. It was pretty funny. I guess he hasnt noticed all of the kids trying to speak English with me. ¨I am speaking English¨ they all say. Or in the case of the guys, ¨hello baby¨.
This afternoon Im going to a party with my classmates to celebrate finishing off the month. Monday starts a new material. Im taking Bolivian social orginization. Then later I am going cosmic bowling with the people from my salsa class. And Sunday there is a classico (the biggest futbol game in Santa Cruz, because its against both of the two SC teams, Oriente and Blooming). I havent gone yet, so it should be really fun.
The only otherinteresting news I have is that the other day on the news a baby was born with one eye here in Bolivia. It was a very strange site to see.
I hope everyone is doing great and hopefully warming up a bit. Its just starting to get cold here. I think it was 75 today! I got on the bus to go to school and I almost thought I was in La Paz(cold city in Bolivia) because everyone was wearing their coats and sweaters. It was like 70 degrees.
I love you all and miss you tons!!!!!!
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