Monday, March 9, 2009

Brittany Cruise -- France

March 04, 2009

This month went by even quicker then the rest. I met the local Roteracts here and went snowshoeing with the other students. It was a beautiful weekend with plenty of snow and sunshine. I also spent three days in Paris, and met my next and final family. I still haven't been to the new house, as we've been at their chalet in the mountains just north of our town for the past two weeks. I've been outside cross country skiing or snowboard almost everyday. Sad as I am that vacation is almost over, I'm excited to see all my friends as school again. This past month was a blast and I can't wait for the months to come, they should prove to be especially busy. There's also a huge conference in Toulousse, France with ALL the inbounds this year. I'm looking forward to it with impatients because it means I get to see all the friends I made the first day of this trip who're scattered throughout the country, and the people from my region who I've become close with. Less then 90days to go at this point.

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